How Do You Deal With An Unauthorized Occupant?

How Do You Deal With An Unauthorized Occupant?

How Do You Deal With An Unauthorized Occupant? You signed a lease with someone, and so far, they’ve been a great tenant, but maybe you’ve noticed some additional belongings at the property, or you have a neighbor or handyman who said it seems like someone else is living there as well. What do you do?…

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Should Landlords Rekey Between Tenants?

Should Landlords Rekey Between Tenants

Should Landlords Rekey Between Tenants? Some landlords rekey between tenants while others do not. In some areas, it’s the law to rekey between tenants. If you hire a Houston property management company to manage your rental professionally, they may require it. Why do property managers and lawmakers care and require you to rekey? When you…

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